Thursday, March 31, 2005

New Links...

Like a few of my friends, I haven't had a lot to post on the ol' blog in the last few days. I still don't really have anything interesting to add, but I thought that I would point out that I added a few new links.

When I'm bored at work, I usually check out the blogs of my friends. When that's done, then I usually check out my own blog to see if anything has changed. Yes, it sounds stupid, and in fact it is stupid, but I do it anyway. Then I throw up the Hail Mary: I click the "Next Blog" button. If you ever click the "Next Blog" button on the top right, you're almost guarunteed to get someones boring account of how they saw a butterfly the other day and it made them contemplate life. And to those people, I say, "Go fuck yourself. You're not entertaining. Why would anyone bother to read this junk?"

Mind you, they always seem to have more visitors then I do...

However, once in awhile I come across a blog that is different than the rest. One where the author makes snarky comments and witty observations, and actually makes me want to read more. These are blogs done by people who I think share my...different...sense of humour, which is why I'm sharing them with the people who come to my site.

Wirthy: He registered know it's got to be good.
You Can't Make It Up: Michelle always seems to have something clever to say. I was sold by the time I read "5 ways to Subtly Tell Your Children You Hate Them"
Terri Schiavo: Okay, this one is kinda in bad taste, but who cares? The comments that people leave are hilarious. If you find any of my stuff offensive, definately don't go here.

EDIT (9:10am): Okay, so I just found out that Terri Schiavo kicked the bucket this morning, making it in even worse taste to have the link up. Oh well, I still think that the people who find my stuff funny should check it out.


At 11:43 a.m., Blogger Wirthy said...

Yes, the fact that I dropped $9 on a domain name clearly indicates that my blog is great.

Damn, I wish I could get that $9 back.

At 3:06 p.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Well, I stand by my position that registering was the best $10 I've ever spent...


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