Monday, March 07, 2005

End of the voice recorder?

I never started this blog with the intention of getting my friends in trouble for the things they's just a humourous side effect.

I went to visit Justin and Ryan at Sunday Night music trivia last night, and we started joking around like we usually do. However, after one particularly nasty joke, we came upon the topic of my blog. Justin began to tell me about a rather short conversation he had earlier with his fiancee Kealy. It's not word-for-word, but the basic idea of the conversation was this:

Kealy: (gives "I'm not impressed" look)
Justin: Hey hon, what's up?
Kealy: I was just reading (Mr Humble Guy's) blog...
Justin: (feigning innocence) ...oh?
Kealy: slurpee shit?
Justin: ...
Kealy: ...
Justin: (Scooby Doo Villan Impression) And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that damn Mr Humble Guy, and his little voice recorder!

I guess that probably means the end of the voice recorder. While it was great fun, obviously nobody wants to get in trouble, so I'm predicting conversations like this for the next while:

Mr Humble Guy: So, what did you guys do last weekend?
Ryan: ...
Justin: ...
Brad: ...
Jim: ...
Mr Humble Guy: C'mon, guys! I'll get you started...have you ever taken a shit so big that you swore it was coming out sideways? Huh?
Justin: ...
Brad: ...
Jim: ...
Ryan: ...
Justin: ...the only time Kealy talks to me is when she's criticizing me for talking about a "green slurpee shit"...

I guess that it's probably for the best that I don't mention the Chocolate Puffed Wheat squares bit, then.


At 2:55 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

Mr Humble,

I believe that I had fortold the 'badideaness' of recording drunken conversations. Drunken conversations should be instantly forgotten amidst the drunken haze that inspired the, not left out in the sun, to dry up and be found by wives girlfriends and mothers.

At 4:10 p.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Fair enough, Mighty Keith. In fact, I do remember the conversation in question, and I will admit that you have an extremely valid point.

However, I will point out that some of the funniest stuff in existence is spawned while drunk, and it would be a shame to discard such comic beauty. I'll probably just ask if anyone minds being recorded...and I could always disguise the names to protect the innocent...a-like so:

PROTECTEDNAME: So me and my fiancee Kealy are going to the park today...woah Ryan! You spilled your drink!

OTHERPROTECTEDNAME: Whoops! That was silly of me!

It's foolproof, I tells ya.


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