Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The church of hip-hop...

On the news the other day, they showed a segment about a new “hip-hop” church in Harlem. It is a church where they play hip-hop music and promote the hip-hop lifestyle in an effort to attract more young people, except they rap about God and Jebus. Sadly, I’m not making this up.

So I figured, what other unlikely churches based upon musical styles could there be? Here are a few that I came up with:

Church a la Disco – Terrible outfits and even worse hymns, but you’re not supposed to like church anyways.

Church of Cock Rock – If church is supposed to start at 9:00, the main preacher won’t come out until at least 11:00. He is preceded by either an “up and coming” preacher or an “old and busted” preacher trying to relive his glory days. Some of the hardcore congregates pass the time by doing hits of the bible. “Hey man, wanna do a hit of some Psalm 23?” When the main preacher finally does come out, he’s shouting, “Are you ready to rock and roll...the devil out of your life?!?” Cue fireworks. Highlight of the service is the cameraman catching all the female congregates flashing their crosses on the big screen.

Grunge Church – This church will be short lived as the poster boy for the Grunge church realizes his sermon is preaching nothing but the crappiest bunch of crap that ever crapped, and he’ll blow his head off with a shotgun while on a holy water-induced high. Nobody will care.

Michael Jackson Church – A church where bad little boys get molested. Obviously, that would never stand...

Feel free to post your own unlikely church in the comments.


At 12:55 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

They already have a Micheal Jackson church.... they just call it Catholic. BAHAHAHAHA. What with all of the child molestation and whatnot. Wait. I'm going to get struck down for this aren't I?

At 1:34 p.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Well, that was what I was trying to imply with the Michael Jackson thing, but thanks for clearing that up anyways.


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