Tuesday, March 01, 2005

More quotes from Sunday Night Music Trivia...

I have to point out that there were more gems than just the ones that I put here, but it was getting pretty noisy in the bar, and with everyone having different conversations, it was hard to catch everything. Also, the voice recorder was closer to my side of the table, so I missed lots of banter between Jim and Adam (sorry guys). However, I did get a few good ones:

(when talking about TV)

Jim: They had Cliffhanger on today
Mr Humble Guy: Lemme guess..TBS?
Jim: Yeah!
Mr Humble Guy: TBS...The Cliffhanger Station
Jim: And Jaws...and The Running Man
Justin: (announcer voice) "Stay tuned after Cliffhanger for Cliffhanger, and tune in after Cliffhanger for Jaws..."
Jim: (announcer voice) "...and The Running Man later tonight"
Justin: (announcer voice) "We interrupt this presentation of Jaws to bring you Cliffhanger..."
Jim: (announcer voice) "Followed by Demolition Man"

(when talking about Ace Ventura - Pet Detective)

Justin: You know, I've just thought of the best porno name - Ass Ventura, Heavy Pet Detective

(when talking about...well, gross stuff)

Justin: Have you ever taken a Green Slurpee shit in someone elses house, and then plugged it
Ryan: No. Have you?
Justin: Yeah!
Mr Humble Guy: ...wait, THAT WAS YOU?!?

(when talking about the quote by Martin Scorsese about Leonardo DiCaprio being the actor of his generation, or some shit like that)

Adam: What has he been in?
Ryan: Well, in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, he was okay. He was decent in that movie...
Adam: That was the movie with that fatass and the retard, right?


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