Monday, February 28, 2005

Voice Recorder Funtime...

The past few times that we've got together, my friends and I have talked about bringing a voice recorder along with us to capture our ever-so-classy conversations. Usually when we have one of these conversations, alcohol is involved, so the memories of exactly what was said can sometimes get a little bit fuzzy. Anyways, Mrs Humble purchased a voice recorder for classes a year or two ago, and she rarely uses it anymore. Jackpot.

Mr Humble Guy: Honey, where is your voice recorder?
Mrs Humble: I think it's downstairs. Why do you need it?
Mr Humble Guy: I'm going to bring it with me when I go out with the guys tonight.
Mrs Humble: But why?
Mr Humble Guy: Because we usually have pretty funny conversations, and I want to record it.
Mrs Humble: ...
Mr Humble Guy: ...
Mrs Humble:'re a dork.

But a dork with a voice recorder...

So I bring said voice recorder to Sunday Night Music Trivia. The guys all seem pretty excited about having it, and throughout the whole night, the classiness never ceased. I've got about two hours of tape to go through, so I'll try and post that later on tonight, but here's a few gems from the start of the night:

FYI: The running joke of the night was a sexual maneuver called "Dog In The Bathtub". We read about it on one of those chain emails, and it involves sticking ones nuts into someone elses ass. It's apparently named as such because it's as hard to do as keeping a dog in the tub while you're giving it a bath.

(when talking about the voice recorder...)

Justin: Actually, I just found out the other day that my answering machine can record phone calls. It's just a button on the answering just hit it and it starts recording. Which is pretty good - I figure, like, call a 1-900 number once...get your money's worth. That's something you can take to the bank.

(when talking about my registering

Justin: Best $10 ever spent.
Jim: Yeah.
Justin: Now to complete the saga, you have to sell the rights to for a handful of magic beans.
Mr Humble Guy: And by magic beans, you mean a strangers' balls in my ass, right?
Justin: A smoker and a reach around...
Mr Humble Guy: Hehe, alllllright
Justin: ...what I'm trying to say is I'm interested in buying a domain name off of you.

For better or worse, more to come later on.


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