Monday, October 31, 2005

Mr Humble Guy Sounds Off On Unions

Fucking unions.

In Alberta and British Columbia, the union for a major telecommunications company called Telus is currently on strike. The main issue seems to be job security. In fact, it better be job security, because these fucking shitheads get paid better than most everyone else in a similar position.

Recently, union leaders and Telus negotiators reached an agreement. Great, now that all the issues have been worked out and both sides are satisfied with the conditions, everyone can get back to work.

The union voted against it.

Okay, pull your heads out of your collective asses long enough to listen to this: you guys choose union leaders to make decisions that would be a benefit for you all. If you're not going to listen to them, you shouldn't have fucking chose them.

Fucking unions.

My wife is currently contracted out to a NON-UNION position in Telus. This isn't a position that was vacated by someone going on has always been a NON-UNION position. So, one more time just to be clear, she is not replacing anyone who is currently on strike. However, every time she goes to work, she gets harassed by these fucking lowlives who are too stupid to realize what they're even striking from.

I could only imagine what it would be like to talk to these guys.

So, Mr. Union Leader...what seems to be the problem?
Uh, what do you mean by that? I thought you guys went on strike
Actually, wasn't it just B.C. that was locked out? And didn't you just go on strike in sympathy?
But, what do you mean by that? Who took your jobs?
So, the fact that they guarunteed your job security in the negotiations didn't mean anything?
Do you even know why you're striking?

Don't fool yourself, people. Unions had their place before, but now they're nothing but a tool for useless lazy people to hide behind.

Fucking unions.


At 10:13 a.m., Blogger rebecca marie said...

oh man, mr. humble guy. thanks for this. i feel the same way. and, i take it further and feel the same way about strikes in general, not just labor unions. teachers and nurses included. i know my opinion is NOT popular, but these people KNOW that they are going into low paying careers. if you want to have a salary of eleventy million dollars, go be a lawer, or a rocket scientist or whatever. you knew it paid crap when you went in, don't sacrifice education and healthcare.

boooo hissss.

At 7:26 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

Wait a tic. Make fun of TELUS (all caps) all you want because their strike is a load of shyte, but nurses are more important that you'll ever know. I too once that that nurses didn't do anything, but trust me, they do everything. Doctors just show up and write perscriptions.

What's more, the teachers in BC are getting fisted by the government. I would strike if I were them too. They only get paid like $30,000/year, so it's not like they're being greedy.

Finally, everything about TELUS sucks. People who work for TELUS suck. People who give TELUS money suck. People who talk about TELUS suck. People who write TELUS in all-caps suck. Period. Do yourself a favour and switch to the nearest available alternative to TELUS now, in my case, Shaw.

At 8:10 a.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Okay, I will contend that nurses do a lot. They're just dental assistants. They do all of the everyday work, then some other bozo comes in the room for about fifteen seconds to give his $0.02.

But teachers? I don't give a flying fuck if they're getting fisted by the government, taxpayers, the school board, and King Kong at the same fucking time. They knew what they were signing up for when they took the job. It's not like things have drastically changed. It's not like every teacher five years ago was driving a Mercedes and flying off to Tahiti for their summer vacation. Of course the pay stinks, but the job is pretty fucking easy.

Fucking teachers.

At 9:07 a.m., Blogger rebecca marie said...

i never said that teachers and nurses did OR didn't do anything. all i said was that they knew what they were getting in to. don't accept a job when you know how much you are going to make, then complain about it.

here is the formula for what workers are worth;

worth = what you agree to work for at hire.

At 9:56 a.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Bossman: So we're prepared to pay you $30,000/yr. Still want the job?

Employee: Sure!

Bossman: Okay, you're hired. Welcome to the team!

15 minutes later...

Employee: You mean I'm only getting paid $30,000/yr? That's an insult! I say we go on strike!

At 10:07 a.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Ah, crap. The grammar nazi in me has to note that I meant to say "They're just like dental assistants." in my first comment.

Damn my using a metaphor when I meant to use a simile!

At 9:56 a.m., Blogger rebecca marie said...

your dialoge perfectly demonstrates my point of view. thanks.

also, thanks to all of you for not calling me nasty names for outing the teachers and nurses on their bad behavior.


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