Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Rockin' Radio...

Every time I get into my car, I'm reminded why I don't listen to the radio. There actually was a long period of time where I was riding upon the Popular Music train, and radio wasn't half bad. But soon, I'd just had enough and jumped off, leaving radio to continue on its merry way. Now really, this shouldn't be a problem, since there should be a radio station for every genre of every era. My problem is that I like music that doesn't suck. There is music that sucks in ever genre of every era, and radio loves to play it.

The local rock station should be the station to listen to, since rock is the shit. Well, some rock is the shit. Actually, a lot of rock is just shit. We've seemed to move past the whole TheoryOfAPuddleStaindNickelCreed brand of rock and moved on to the PowerPopPosingAsRock style. Sum 41 anyone? Don't fool yourself, it's short of "Can You Count Sum 41 Different Ways We Suck Cock?". And to make it worse, those diverse cock suckers misspelled "some". The local rock station has a commercial running now that says "It's been six years...that's a long time to wait for Green Day". And I say, "Not long enough. Why can't these fuckers take the Kurt Cobain approach?"

And to make things worse, this station has the longest commercial breaks imaginable, made even longer by the stations own friggin' long promotional commercials. "You're listening (listening...listening....)...to Edmonton's best Rock (Rock...Rock...)...Playing the classic rock you love (love...love...)...and the new rock you need (need...need...)...Edmonton's Best Rock (Rock...Rock...)...One-hundred point three (three...three...)...The Bear (Bear...Bear...) ROAR!!!!"

Well, while I was listening (listening...listening...)...to this shit in my car (car...car...)...I already fucking got to where I was going (going...going)...so go fuck yourself (yourself...yourself...).

Pretty sad considering this is probably the best station in Edmonton.


At 1:46 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

First off, the bear only play songs by theoryofanickelfault, you can't make fun of the songs if you don't even know who's singing them.

Second, Greenday used to be cool, I remember back in '97 when I bought 'dookie'. Man, that was cool. I think the real complaint against Edmonton radio is that all of the rock stations insist on playing George Thoroughgood. I hate that guy so much I can't even spell his name right.

Finally, the Bear is in fact, the worst radio station of all time, suitable only to high school males who beat their girlfriends, and adult males who act just ike high school males who beat their girlfriends.

At 10:08 p.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Wow, I can't believe that you guys got your panties in such a bunch over this little post. Well, where do we start?

Sum : the result of adding numbers
Some : being one, a part, or an unspecified number of something (as a class or group) named or implied

Let's try this out, shall we? Can You Count **** 41 Different Ways We Suck Cock?". In order to be grammatically correct, you would have to use the word "some". Since it was spelled "sum" in the original post, one must conclude that it was misspelled. QED

FYI, if you wanted to use "sum", you could rephrase it as "The different number ways that we suck cock adds up to a sum of 41".

Second, a person who spends their day programming in PHP and their evenings not just playing, but winning, multiplayer Halo 2 games has no right to tell me what is or is not cool.

Finally, theoryofapuddlestaindnickelcreed is the same thing as theoryofanickelfault, with a cameo appearance by gosuckafatstinkycockanddiebecauseIcancallthesefuckingfuckswhateverIwant. I figured you would have heard of it by now.

At 6:57 a.m., Blogger Keith said...

Ooh. Ouch. And I agreed with you. Now my feeling hurt and my heart is sad. Where's my straight razor.

At 6:55 a.m., Blogger Keith said...

I could really go for sum bunched panties.

Wait, that's gross and it doesn't make any sense.


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