Monday, August 08, 2005

Just Chillin'

I am one of those people who loves to sleep in a cold room. I'd rather sleep in a room where I have snotsicles frozen in my nose and five blankets on top of me than in a room where all you need is a sheet to stay warm.

I picked it myself...

Anyways, after years of sleeping in a room that just wasn't cold enough, I was finally able to convince Mrs. Humble that we needed an air conditioner for the bedroom. After a few disappointing searches at Costco and Wal Mart, we finally found our jewel in the rough: the sub-$100 air conditioner.

Oh, the range of emotions I experienced thereafter...
  • I giggled like a little schoolgirl as I brought this wonderous A/C unit up to the till.
  • I raced home and up the stairs with excitement as I prepared to install my new sensational A/C unit.
  • I cocked my confused head as I realized that the instructions for my still somewhat excellent A/C unit didn't apply to my type of window.
  • I frustratingly laboured to build a trailer-trash plywood frame to house my suddenly-flawed A/C unit.
  • I winced as I heard how loud my increasingly substandard A/C unit ran, but took comfort in the fact that it would only have to run for an hour or two before we went to bed to keep the room cold all night.
  • I cursed with annoyance at my wretched A/C unit when I woke up at 1:30am in the hottest, stuffiest room in Edmonton. Running it for another half-hour does more to wake me up than cool the room down.
  • Having gotten hardly any sleep, I spitefully (and tiredly) packed up my piece of shit A/C unit to send it back to the hell from whence it came.

So, once again, Mrs. Humble and I are resorting to natural air conditioning (aka Leaving the window open) to cool the house down. I guess it's not so bad...snotsicles are kinda gross after all...


At 8:23 a.m., Blogger Musicguy said...

we keep the bedroom at 60 degrees everynight. it's absolutely FRIGID!!


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