Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Getting Caught Up...Sorta...

As it has already been pointed out many times already, I have been a bit of a tardy bitch with my posting as of late. It's been a mixture of a busy work schedule, busy weekend schedule, and a noticeable lack of Iron Keith yammering for me to "update my damn blog already". That's right...I'm man enough to admit that everyone is to blame except me for not having an up-to-date blog.

So, two weekends ago was my buddy Justin's wedding, in which he was unfortunate enough to have me as a groomsman. The nice memories of the wedding, as in how lovely the ceremony was and how happy the newlyweds looked, are a bit muddy thanks to the not-so-nice memories, such as myself getting smashed at the open bar and making an ass of myself on the dance floor. Note to
Brad To The Bone: Thanks for teaching Jim the "Tampon Dance" a few weeks ago. It certainly was a classy dance for him to break out at the wedding.

All of last week I spent waiting for the weekend. I had just had a really busy weekend, and my week was full of client meetings. I had one day where two meetings took up the entire day. I mean, I know that I have to be nice to you considering I want to take your money and all, but stop fucking talking already! Seriously, meetings shouldn't take that long. Romantic rendezvous, on the other hand...

Anyway, the point is that I needed another weekend to recouperate. Ah yes, a nice long weekend of rest...

...which was dashed away when my wife reminded me that we were scheduled to help her parents do construction on their house all weekend. I'll post more about this last weekend later.

Oh, and I almost forgot about the pictures from the stag party a few weeks back. I was looking over them, and there are actually very few pictures that aren't, how do you say, incriminating...
However, I decided that I could post one picture. Do you know when you drive into a new town and it has that sign as you come in that shows what services the town has? For example...

Well, in Fairmont, they have this one...

I mean, come on! That is definately a sign for a Rub n' Tug if I've ever seen one! But what the hell is that freaky thing coming off of Silky Hands' elbow? It's like she has two forearms on her left arm. Well, at least if things don't work out at the parlour, she could always join a freak show.

So there you go. A couple of weeks poorly summarized in a crudely written draft.


At 10:29 p.m., Blogger The Corporal said...

Where was that sign? Sounds like a good place if you need a rest from driving while on a long trip.

At 11:54 a.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

It a huge ass sign right in the middle of Fairmont. You can't miss it when you're driving through.

Better judgement prevailed, and I never got to actually see the massage place. Therefore, I can't comment on the quality of their massages and/or how deformed the masseuses are. Seriously, the extra arm on that sign really has me wondering...


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