Friday, July 08, 2005

Why do my logos always burn like that?

I used to really love collecting comic books as a kid, so when big budget comic-based movies started to come out, I was right on board. With Spiderman, the Punisher, X-Men, and the Hulk being favorites when I was a kid, I was able to look past any shortcomings they had as a movie and have a good old time watching them.

However, with all these comic-to-movie transitions, I've kinda noticed a disturbing trend. Remember that movie "The Crow" with Brandon Lee? Not sure if that was a comic-based movie, but there was a scene where he lights a fire that burns into the shape of the crow.

Yeah, that was cool! That's the first time I'd ever seen something like that on a movie (not to say it WAS the first...just the first that I'd seen).

Then Daredevil copied it.

...and so did the Punisher

...and most recently, the Fantastic Four.

I could only imagine that they tried to do it in "The Hulk", but the scene with the Hulk peeing his name in fire onto the rocks might have messed up the PG-13 rating.

Man, this chlamydia just won't clear up...

Anyways, the point that I'm trying to get across is this: Marvel, it's been done already. Probably many more times than just the ones I mentioned here. So in the hundreds of movies you're planning to do in the next year, could you please try something a little different? It's getting kinda old.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for shooting the final scene in my biographical movie, "Mr Humble Guy: Better Than A Kick In The Junk". It's a big budget special effects scene where I light a fire that says "MR HUMBLE GUY" in my neighbours yard...


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