Thursday, July 14, 2005

Hehe, you said "PEE"...

Brace yourselves, faithful readers. The following post contains immature behaviour and is brought to you by the letter "P"...

When my wife and I first started living together, I was very careful when it came to matters of the bathroom. If possible, I would wait until she was either on another floor or, idealy, out of the house. Then I would lock the bathroom door, put a towel along the bottom crack of the door, turn the fan on, turn the faucet on...anything I could think of to prevent her from hearing me pee. Hell, I would even pee on the inside edge of the bowl just above the water line just so that it wouldn't make a splashing noise.

What was it about the sound of me taking a leak that I didn't want her to hear? It's not like she didn't pee, or didn't know that I peed. Everybody pees! But for some reason, the thought of her hearing any noise that I made in the bathroom scared me. What if she wouldn't love me anymore? Damn my noisy pee!

Well, for better or worse, those days are behind me now. I've noticed that I don't even close the door anymore. Not a conscious choice...I just don't think about it. Don't get me wrong, I don't let her in the bathroom while I'm peeing. If she's putting on makeup or brushing her teeth, I'll kick her out for a minute so I can piss. However, I've recently noticed that I'm missing the most basic step that says, "Don't come in here".

Thankfully, my wife is very understanding of my "lack-of-door-closing" habit. While she doesn't exactly approve, she knows that I've just become comfortable enough around her to let down my pee guard, and the open door is a physical symbol that I am now open enough in our relationship to be free with my pee..., so if you can't tell, I failed Philosophy 101.

Anyways, the point I'm trying to get at is that if you ever come to my place, an open bathroom door doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not in there. Just a fair warning...


At 9:23 a.m., Blogger Keith said...

If you want to be 'free with your pee', keep it in the bedroom where it belongs.



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