Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Crrrappy Names...

In Canada, we have a chain of coffee shops called Second Cup that does what coffee shops do best: sell marginally appealing beverages for outrageous prices. I don't go very often for this very reason, but every once in awhile I have a few bucks to waste. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Give it to the needy? You crack me up.

Anyway, it turns out that the feature for the month at Second Cup is the Frrrozen Hot Chocolate. I'll admit that I don't exactly know what Frrrozen is, but I do know what Frozen is, and if Frrrozen is anything related to Frozen, then we have a problem.

You see, frozen is a term related to temperature, basically meaning to solidify due to absence of heat. Hot is also a term related to temperature, basically meaning having an abundance of heat. The two are in direct conflict, and poor chocolate is stuck in the middle.

But seriously, shouldn't Frozen and Hot cancel each other out? Obviously "rr Chocolate" doesn't have the same effect, but you can't argue with science. And what the fuck is up with the extra "r"'s? Is it supposed to elevate the word Frozen so that it's something more? Is it supposed to mean that it's colder than frozen? Or perhaps it's supposed to depict someone so cold that they can't even pronouce the word properly? Well, I've got a frozen stutter for Second Cup: fffuck you and your stupid fffucking drink. Call it what it really is: a chocolate slush. I might actually try it then.

Sorry for the rant, but the stupidity of some people really bugs me. Especially when said people make more money than I do.

On a side note, I'm thinking that the Frrrozen Hot Chocolate has got to be the official drink of Icy Hot Suntaz.


At 10:48 a.m., Blogger Keith said...

Perhaps they are so frozen that they burn you. Obviously, the 3r's denote the level of coldness. The colder an item, the more r's. I think you should have paid more attention in school. Don't you remember liquid nitrrrogen?

At 12:14 p.m., Blogger Err0r said...

funny post

At 1:09 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

He blogs whilst others would have to work.

Must be nice.


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