Thursday, May 26, 2005

I've got to get a new hair stylist...

So it hasn't been exactly four months (it's only been two), but it's time to get my hair cut again. As I mentioned last time, I have my usual place where I go due to it being quick and cheap. I mean, how hard could it be to cut hair?

Apparently, it's hard enough. The slow stylist from last time has been replaced by one who is even slower, and can't even get a buzz cut right.

Stylist: So, how's this?
Mr Humble Guy: Is it just me, or does my hair have a big patch in the front that's an inch longer than the rest?
Stylist: No, that's how it is.
Mr Humble Guy: ...Aren't you going to cut it?

To cap things off, when she's cutting this patch, she's using the scissors to take 1/16" at a time, and all these little bits of hair are sticking to my face. No problem, says I, because she'll wipe it off soon...

More hair on my face. She'll wipe it off soon...

5 minutes later. Even more hair sticking to my face. Still hasn't wiped it off.

10 minutes later (she was honestly this slow). Finishes cutting my hair. My face looks like fucking Chewbacca.

Stylist: So, how does that look now?
Mr Humble Guy: EHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


At 1:18 a.m., Blogger Keith said...

Quit being a cheap ass and get a real haircut. You might consider a bikini wax white you're at it, because no one should be THAT hairy.


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