Thursday, February 17, 2005

Wednesday night drinking...

Normally I don't indulge in alcoholic beverages during the week. Back in my university days when I really didn't care about my classes, I used to drink at any time of the day, regardless of what day of the week it was. But now that I'm older and work at a job that I love, senseless drinking during the week doesn't seem to have the same appeal.

Once again, because I've said this, you probably know where this story is headed.

Last night, I noticed that the local pub was advertising "Rock and Roll Trivia". Most places usually call it "Name that Tune", and when my friends and I get together, we kick ass at this game. I've never been to "Rock and Roll Trivia" at this place yet. In fact, the only time that I've ever really been there is when I had to use the facilities to take a smash, but that's another story which I probably won't get to. Anyway, I figure that if they're advertising it, it's gotta be good, so I call Justin and Ryan to come down and meet me at the pub at 8:00pm.

Fast forward to 7:55pm, and I'm late getting out the door. The pub is not even a minutes walk away, but "Name that Tune" events are usually pretty popular, and I'm worried that there won't be a seat for the three of us. So I jog to the pub, open the door, and breathe a sign of relief that there's still a table for me. Actually, every table was still available, because there was only three people in the bar including the bartender. I give my "What the fuck is this?" face, and go up to the bar.

Mr Humble Guy: Excuse me, is "Rock and Roll Trivia" on tonight?
Bartender: Maybe. We need at least four teams.
Mr Humble Guy: (looking around) ... I'm gonna take that as a no. Any drink specials on tonight?
Bartender: No, everything's full price.
Mr Humble Guy: I see. Well, I'll just take a jug of Canadian and a couple of glasses.
Bartender: We don't have Canadian.

Wow, this is really making me proud of my local pub. Oh well. Whatever. I get a jug of beer and sit down just as Justin and Ryan arrive. They're pretty bummed out about the lack of "Rock and Roll Trivia", but we make the best of it. We kicked our shoes up, had a few pints, and started one of our usual classy conversations.

Now I can't remember everything that was said, but once the conversation turned to weddings, a few gems came out:

Ryan: So, obviously on your wedding night, you're going to score...
Justin: ...multiple times...
Ryan: ...yeah, but what happens if its, you know, that time of the month?
Mr Humble Guy: Go for it's not on your sheets...
Justin: Or just postpone the wedding. "We're sorry everyone...could you come back this time next week?"
Mr Humble Guy: And the priest would be like, "What the hell?...what's that?...time of the...oh. Folks, we're going to have to postpone this wedding..."
Justin: My plan is to actually put a bun in the oven around May. She'll be like, "Honey, I'm late". And I'll go, "Yeah, I know. Don't worry. I'll take you to the abortion clinic on our honeymoon"

Yeah, we're the definition of clASS (that's class with a capital "ass", if you didn't get it).


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