Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Issue With Star Wars...

Note: I am fully prepared to embrace the wrath of the Star Wars fanboys by writing this post.

You see, I've always been a fan of the Star Wars movies, including the new ones. The reason I can enjoy them is because I don't try to hold them to a super high standard. I can check my mind at the door and just enjoy watching CGI explosions and grown men fighting with sticks.

And yes, I have heard all the criticism that the prequels have received. I didn't ever really join in, because there is no point in arguing with a scorned Star Wars nerd.

I think the only real problem that I have with the Star Wars movies is the whole deal with Anakin and "The Prophecy". You see, in the movie there is a prophecy that one person will be able to bring balance to the Force. The key word here is balance.

At this point in the movie, there has only been one Sith discovered. One particular Jedi remarks that "the Sith have been extinct for a millenium".

Liam Neeson, a Jedi, who is standing in a room full of Jedis, which I believe is located in an school of the Jedis, tells everyone that Anakin is going to be the one to bring balance to the force.

Lemme just go over the key points one more time.

1. One sith vs A shitload of Jedis.

2. Anakin is going to be the one who brings balance.

I mean, what the fuck did they think would happen? You'd think that Yoda would catch on. "Balance to the Force, this boy will bring. KILL US ALL, THAT FUCKER WILL! WANT TO DIE, YODA DOES NOT!"

But no, they train him so that he can more effectively wipe them out.

I tell ya, Dark Helmet had it right. "Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."


At 10:09 a.m., Blogger rebecca marie said...

i seriously have so many problems with the force. it's shocking really, how often it just seems to cut out. "obi wan, i sense danger." "i sense it, too, master qui gon." then later, NOTHING. no warning of impending danger. thanks a real lot, force. i really appreciate you having my freaking back.

a while ago, i reviewed the movies, here're my reviews, if you are so inclined...


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