Monday, June 20, 2005

Mucho-Classy Re-enactment

Okay, so here is the ultra-condensed re-enactment of my “mucho-classy” weekend.

Friday Evening

Mr Humble Guy: You know, Hon…the weather just might hold out if those clou…

(Starts pissing rain)

Mother Nature: PWN3D!!1!
Mr Humble Guy: Well, this is nothing that a little social drink can’t cure.

(scenes missing)

Early Early Early Saturday Morning

Bear (Mr Humble Guy’s puppy): I’ve had enough sleep! I want to get up!
Mr Humble Guy: nnnghhhghh…
I had a bone in here somewhere! I’m going to chew it! I like making lots of noise!
Mrs Humble: ...crap, we left his bone in his kennel with him. He’s not going to go back to sleep with that in there.
Mr Humble Guy: …nnnghghggmmm’kay…
Mr Humble Guy: …sorry Bear, I’m just taking your bone away. Go back to sleep.
Wha…what the…huh? Ah, crap.

(Everyone goes back to sleep)

Early Saturday Afternoon

Aunt Donna: Sure, I’ll play Texas Hold’em with you guys, but I don’t really know how to play poker, so go easy on me...

(Aunt Donna wins basically every game)

Late Saturday Afternoon

Momma Humble: Well, it’s still pissing rain, so the golfing is going to be shitty and we’re going to get soaked. Who still wants to golf?
Everyone: I do.

Early-Mid Saturday Evening

Brad: Well, drinking and golfing and drinking has been fun, but Blair’s stag party is going on tonight.
Mr Humble Guy: Geez, if we don’t go into town, we’re gonna miss some serious drinking…

(Brad and Mr Humble Guy go back into town)

Late Saturday Night

(scenes missing)

Early Sunday Morning

Mr Humble Guy: Well, our camping weekend is pretty much over and all that’s left is to pack up and leave…I’m just going to take a peek outside and see if all is like I suspect...
Mr Humble Guy: Yup, that’s about right. Mother Nature, you’re such a whore.


At 9:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which fack thing is happening here with this bad writing? nobody works around as chicken with the witness excluded if they do not have the some idea where head is to the hole in the basket has gone. Ufa! I am tired already.

At 11:08 a.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

...I'm not going to pretend that I know what any of that means.

At 7:50 p.m., Blogger The Corporal said...

Me Neither. Looks like you have enough inspiration there for a whole post, Humble.

I'm still trying to figure it out...

At 9:06 a.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Oh, I get it now. The symbolism of a chilled Mountain Dew contrasted by the speeding telephone stapled to a chicken has led our once great nation into a cesspool of moral debauchery and excessive surreptitious folly.

It's so much clearer when I think of it that way.


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