Wednesday, November 23, 2005


As you may have read, Chuck asked me to do a post using the word "Asshattery" at least five times. Such a fantastic and intriguing word, there was no way I could resist.

So, who should I give the inaugural "Mr Humble Guy Award for Outstanding Asshattery" trophy to? Hell, this one is no contest: Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.

Surprise! You're an asshat!

Asshattery just oozes from this guy. There are times when he is talking on television that I think to myself, "there is no way he could be any more of an asshat".

Then he blows my mind with even more asshattery.

Even though he was the FINANCE MINISTER at the time, he claims to have known nothing about the huge scandal involving improper use of funds for sponserships. Really, as a finance minister, it's sort of your job to be aware of what is happening with taxpayer dollars.

Yes, outstanding asshattery in today's world must be acknowledged, so I proudly award Prime Minister Paul Martin with the first "Mr Humble Guy Award for Outstanding Asshattery" trophy.

What a prestigious honour!


At 9:52 p.m., Blogger mr_humble_guy said...

Sounds like a good plan. I suppose I could try it for a few weeks, but I don't think I'm going to make the sentences start with the letters of 'asshattery' again. I found myself with a lot of nasty things to say, but none that started with the letter 'E'. Damn my trying to be clever!

At 9:16 a.m., Blogger Chuck said...

Wow! Great job there Mr. Humble. I guess I wasn't too up on Mr. Martin, but I feel informed now. Maybe I can use some of your information here in conversation when I'm in Alberta in two weeks! lol

Nice trophy too...

At 11:01 p.m., Blogger The Corporal said...

Paul Martin! That was a good one. Well deserved. I think next weeks asshat should be that douchebag Harper. I'd vote Liberal again - just so Harper doesn't get it.


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