Monday, January 24, 2005

What the hell was that?

Okay, so I had a fairly interesting weekend, but I'll get to that in a later post. More importantly, I have to mention what happened to my dog this morning (as it was retold to me by Mrs. Humble).

I had went outside to shovel off the front walk, and my dog was getting kinda antsy, so he ran up to Mrs. Humble to let him outside. Just as he got up to her, he farted. Now, don't get me wrong, he's farted so bad before that we've had to leave the room, but this was the first time that his farts have ever made a sound! Well, he spun right around with his 'What the hell was that?' look, and immediately started barking. Then he smelled his fart, and was trying to figure out where it came from, all while continuing to bark! Seriously, try to picture a dog trying to sniff his butt and barking at the same time...


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