Thursday, January 13, 2005

New to the whole Blogging thing...

Well hello, everyone! That is, hello to the three people who I gave this URL to. This is my first attempt (and probably last, but who knows?) at the whole blogging thing. I've got far too much work to do to consistently maintain a full time blog, as well as a short attention span and general dislike of doing anything that I'm not forced to.

So, why did I create a blog, then? I don't know, really. A friend of mine is about to create one, so I was just going to create a BS one to see how it all works, then wipe my hands clean of it all and get back to surfing the web for por...traits of art...yeah, that'll do. Anyway, it just seems like it might be fun to keep posting, so I guess we'll have to see what happens.

Why Mr Humble Guy? Anyone who knows me should question this, considering I'm a blatant asshole (not
Tucker Max assholish, but an asshole nonetheless). Well, back in the day, I needed an anonymous email address so I could sign up for pron newsletters, fire off offensive emails, and generally be a dick without ruining my existing email address. So I signed up for a new Hotmail email with the user name mr_humble_guy, since jackass_pervert was already taken. It's been my alias almost every time I've needed to sign up for something.

Anyways, duty calls. Check back every once in awhile to see if I actually keep up with this, or if it ends up in the basement with my weights and my "Learn Japanese Today!" books.


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